mardi 23 juillet 2013

Combien de café est trop de café ?

Je n'aime pas le café, mais j'aime bien cette vidéo de PhD comics :

How much coffee is too much coffee ?

lundi 22 juillet 2013

Un prix de recherche pour de jeunes docteurs en bio

Vous avez soutenu votre thèse en 2011 ou 2012 en biologie moléculaire, génétique, biodiversité ou dans des domaines proches ?

Le magazine Science et SciLifeLap vous propose de tenter votre chance pour un prix : 

The Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists

The Prize is awarded annually to one young scientist for outstanding life science research for which he/she was awarded a doctoral degree in the previous year. The topic of the entrant's thesis research must be in one of the following categories: Genomics/Proteomics/Systems Biology; Developmental Biology (including evolution); Molecular and Cellular Biology; or Environmental Life Science (including biodiversity). Eligible entrants must have been awarded their doctoral degree in either 2011 or 2012, and the subject of their thesis should match one of the above Subject Tracks. The winners from each category will compete for the grand prize.
Prize money: US$25,000 for the grand prize winner, US$5,000 for the runner-up to the Grand Prize, and US$2,500 for each of the other two finalists.
Publication: The grand prize winning essay will be published in Science and essays from the three runners-up will be published online.
Application deadline: August 15, 2013