mercredi 20 janvier 2010

Online ressources for "How to Write and Publish your Paper"

For course members and other young researchers interested, here's a list:

- Writing a clear and engaging paper by Leslie Sage, a senior Nature editor

- free online writing course to help biomedical scientists whose first language is not English to write and publish their papers in English-language journals.

- The classic book Elements of Style by William J. Strunk, Jr (Humphrey, New York, 1918) is now published by (New York, 1999) and is freely available on the web in searchable format.

-Writing readable prose Amin S.Bredan & Frans van Roy

- How to Write Your First Paper by Steven G. Krantz

That's all for now. But the list will keep on growing ...

Hoping you'll find here some more advice, Gabriele

P.S. the nice cartoons are from Frits Ahlefeldt,
Many thanks for letting us use them!

1 commentaire:

  1. Voici encore lien vers un article intéressant:
    Basics of Research Paper Writing and Publishing by Michael Derntl


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