samedi 12 avril 2014

Qui a le cerveau le plus grand ? Combien de neurones avons nous ? Une vidéo de PhD comics donne les chiffres

by PhD tv

Jorge Cham (PHD Comics et PHDtv) et Dwayne Godwin, un neurologue de l'Universtité de Wake Forest, travaillent depuis 2007 ensemble afin de produire des BD pour la Stanford Design School. Depuis 2009 ils travaillent pour le "Scientific American's Mind magazine", et ils ont produit plus de 20 infographies sur le cerveau. 
Pourquoi le choix de la BD ? Réponse par Dwayne Godwin :
"We are trying to reach from inside the laboratory and share some of the amazing things that we are able to accomplish in neuroscience with a broader audience. We think this is important because as you know the economy is not in its best shape ever and we feel that science investment is important from a government perspective, and we feel that because we are using taxpayers' money, that the public has a right to know what we are doing. And I think this is just another way of sharing the wonders of the brain with the public and to show them that investment in brain research is a worthy endeavor."
Vous pouvez écouter une conférence scientifique en cliquant ici et  ici vous avez accès à la BD originale  "Your Brain by the Numbers".

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